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Arc Flash Low Voltage Dangers

Arc flash is a high voltage problem, right? Wrong. Learn about the dangers of low voltage arc flash.

There is a common misconception that arc flash dangers are only associated with high voltage currents. Every year, workers are killed while working on live electric currents without the proper safety protections, and low voltage currents were involved in as many as one third of the deaths.

Arc flashes are not voltage sensitive so they can occur across a range of voltages, including low voltage. A low voltage source may generate higher arc energy than a high voltage source. It is also possible for low voltage equipment to have the same arc flash hazard/risk categories (ratings representing the level of danger) as high voltage equipment. Consequences of low voltage arc flashes can be even more damaging than high voltage arc flashes and have devastating results.

Because arc flash risks are not necessarily lower on low voltage equipment, it is an important safety measure to take the precautions necessary to ensure the safety of employees working on all energized equipment in the workplace. Arc flash hazard labeling is one of those important precautions. Arc flash hazard labels provide vital information to the viewer of the presence of an arc flash hazard, information on hazard boundaries, and information on the personal protection equipment (PPE) that is needed. Labels need to be clear and easy to read, and should always be easily recognized as a warning label, even from a distance.

When it comes to the workplace, safety counts. OSHA and ANSI regulations clearly demonstrate the importance of properly marking hazards, including hazards for arc flash and other electrical safety issues. Accidents are not only costly, they can cost lives. Industrial Safety Solutions offers a complete line of arc flash label printers and supplies to help you get your electrical safety labeling projects done right.

Complete arc flash packages from Industrial Safety Solutions are designed to give you exactly what you need when it comes to custom labeling. The SafetyPro printer works with your PC to create custom arc flash and general safety labels in seconds and you can even print right from your analysis database. With arc flash vinyl labels that last for years, even in harsh environments, SafetyPro arc flash printers and supplies help you get your arc flash labeling done right!

Tags: Low voltage arc flash, arc flash low voltage labeling, low voltage hazard labeling