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What if OSHA finds something wrong during an inspection?

QUESTION: What if OSHA finds something wrong during an inspection?

ANSWER: When the OSHA inspection is complete, a 'Closing Conference' is held with the Compliance Officers, the employer, and employee representative to discuss the findings and possible courses of action. There may also be an informal conference with OSHA. The Compliance Officers report their findings to OSHA, and then OSHA Area Directors determine if citations will be issued and what penalties may be proposed.

OSHA must issue the citation and proposed penalty within six months of the violation's occurrence, and must notify the employer by certified mail. When the employer receives the notice of violation, they are required to post a copy of each citation at, or near, the place in the facility where the violation occurred. The notice must remain posted for a minimum of three days, or until the violation has been corrected or removed.

The citation will describe which OSHA standard or requirement has allegedly been violated. The proposed penalties will be listed and deadlines will be given outlining the time frame for the employer to complete correction of any of the alleged violations. OSHA penalties can be costly. Avoiding citations for violations requires an ongoing effort to maintain compliance with OSHA standards and requirements. Industrial Safety Solutions is ready to help! Safety labeling is an important part of OSHA compliance. With SafetyPro industrial label printers and supplies from ISS, it is easy and cost effective to create the specific custom compliance labels you need, on-demand, in just minutes! ISS is your compliance labeling solution!

Tags: OSHA inspection, OSHA failure, OSHA inspection failed, OSHA violation