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Rare or Uncommon Issues

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Question: I get a rapidly blinking red light shortly after I turn the printer on.

A rapidly blinking light that starts at power-on or shortly thereafter is usually related to faulty or insufficient power. Turn off and unplug your SafetyPro. Verify that you're using the correct power supply, and that all of the connections are secure. Verify that your outlets and surge protectors are in good working order. The SafetyPro draws up to 4.5amps, and requires a power supply that can supply adequate current at 18-24v. Always use the power adapter that came with your SafetyPro.

Question: FacilityWare is giving me a "database error."

Database errors within FacilityWare are infrequently encountered at startup or when working with spreadsheets. Errors at startup are generally related to installation or permissions; re-install and make sure your user has access to the FacilityWare files. Database errors when working with spreadsheets are usually the result of: 1) using formats other that plain .XLS, or using formatting elements in your spreadsheet sheet names; or, 2) moving .XLS files that were linked to a label file, renaming them, or working with the files open in both Excel and FacilityWare at the same time. Contact ISS or watch the FacilityWare Excel training on Youtube for additional information.

Question: I'm getting a red blinking light error, and I can't find the cause. Is there a way to tell what the error means?

Most red blinking light errors are related to supply loading or driver settings. If you can't resolve a red blinking light error, you may need to load the diagnostic tool to evaluate exactly what the red blinking light is indicating.
WARNING: the Diagtool (available here) is normally used with a phone technician on the line, and mis-use may damage your printer. Minimally, you may see the printer error by loading the tool and clicking "Get Status" when your printer has a red blinking light error.

Question: My printer is cutting a small slice from the next label, when using labels with gaps. How can I adjust this?

In some cases, the printer may need an adjustment to the feed offset, to accommodate materials and printer tolerances. If your printer is cutting a small slice of the next label, after printing and cutting a label when set to Labels With Gaps, you will want to set a negative feed offset. Go to your printer preferences and enter the "Stock" tab. In the "Media Handling" section, set the "Feed Offset" to -0.05 to start. Complete a test print with two copies and view the results. Adjust the offset as needed to compensate for tolerances in your system.