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Engineered for Durability

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The Perfect Arc Flash Label

Perfect by Design: ISS Arc Flash Labels

When we engineered our arc flash labels, we didn't just throw together whatever we could find. Indeed, our arc flash labels are specifically engineered for maximum durability and print quality. This means you are getting more than just vinyl; you're getting quality arc flash labels that will last for years.

The Backing

Behind every good label is a quality backing. The backing is the paper that you pull the label off of when you are ready to use it. Most people don't think much about the backing, but our engineers pay special attention to every detail. Our arc flash labels are backed with a high-temp, non-stick laminated paper which holds the label firmly in place while printing, yet is easy to remove when it is time to apply your label.

The Vinyl

Vinyl is the material of choice for ultra-durable arc flash labels. Our labels are 4mil thick, with a 3.2mil vinyl core that comes pre-printed with a header stripe in red, orange, green, or yellow. The vinyl core is treated for UV, scratch and tear resistance. Testing shows that 3.2mil is the optimum thickness for the vinyl substrate, for a balance of durability, print quality and all-purpose application.

The Laminate

We could have stopped at what we had with the vinyl, but we took it a step further to include a self-laminating poly overcoat. Our engineers developed a crystal-clear laminate that is only .8mil thick, providing additional scratch and UV resistace. In addition, the over-laminate provides a workable surface which is receptive to thermal resin print. Your labels will look crisp and clear every time. You'll get no "wrinkle" effect as seen with other like systems.

The Thermal Print

We offer full-resin thermal transfer ribbons that are chemical, scratch and UV resistant. When you print to our arc flash labels, using our specially formulated thermal resins, you can rest assured that you'll get a difference in quality that you can see and feel.