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Inside the DuraLabel Pro, DuraLabel Pro 300

Did you know the DuraLabel Pro line of printers uses RFID tags on their vinyl?
DuraLabel pro 300 proprietary RFID unit

Our engineers have spent a good deal of time inside the DuraLabel Pro and Duralabel Pro 300 printers. While the Duralabel Pro class printer is very similar to the SafetyPro Industrial Label Printer, there are some key differences that may shock you. These differences can be found under the cover, by removing the 6 hood screws, where the creators of the DuraLabel Pro hoped you would never look. Instead of making your DuraLabel Pro 300 printer better, they attempt to make it so that you can only buy certain supplies, apparently to avoid competitive pricing.

DuraLabel Pro and DuraLabel Pro 300 RFID Circuit

DuraLabel pro 300 RFID printer

Inside each roll of DuraLabel Pro and Duralabel Pro 300 vinyl tape is a tiny microchip. That microchip is wirelessly activated by the sensor which has been added to your DuraLabel Pro or DuraLabel Pro 300 (photograph above- hood removed with 6 screw under cover). The printer is wired so that it is allowed to print a label only when the microchip is present. We have several options for helping you print the way you want to with your DuraLabel Pro printer! Here is a list of the extra components you'll find in the DuraLabel Pro. These add cost to the printer without adding any benefit to the end user:

  • 6J16 LS74A - HS CMOS
  • 68K0 Y7Kg4 - OR Gates
  • 73CD4CM - Decoder / Demultiplexer
  • HB245 6CKg4 - Bi-directional data bus
  • AHC574 - Buffer regs, IO Bus
  • PIC18F2520 - Microcontroller
  • MAX3221C - RS232 line driver
  • RI-R6C-001A - HF reader 6000
  • These RFID and supporting chips make the DuraLabel Pro more expensive, but don't improve the printer in any way.

High-Power RFID Antenna

DuraLabel pro RFID antenna
To read the microchip on your supply rolls, the DuraLabel Pro uses a high-frequency RF antenna. This antenna emits radio waves, much like microwaves, that pass through the vinyl and activate the hidden chip inside. It is unlikely that these microwaves degrade the quality of the label material, but they add no value to the printing process, and are an attempt to lock the printer. You can work around this limitation with an upgrade from Industrial Safety Solutions!

DuraLabel Pro FCC Registration

The DuraLabel Pro is listed with the FCC because of the radio-wave emitting device that was added. The FCC images linked above, from the FCC OET Exhibits List of "Internal Photos" show the DuraLabel Pro as it was originally concieved- a printer identical to the SafetyPro but with added components. The original FCC filing even shows them using a standard black color, exactly like the SafetyPro. The orange came later in an attempt to hide the fact that the printer was really just the same unit as the SafetyPro, manufactured in the same plant and shipped from the same facility.

What Are Your Options?

If you purchased a DuraLabel Pro, the "orange printer", we have solutions for you that will let you use your DuraLabel Pro printer the way you want to! Get in touch with ISS for more information on these options by calling 877-762-9280 today.
We understand that you need to source the best labeling equipment and supplies at the best price. We strive to gain and keep our customers by providing the best price and highest quality available, and not by creating phony supply locking schemes. If you find a better price somewhere else, we will beat it. If you have already purchased a locked printer like the DuraLabel Pro, please contact us about our many Duralabel Pro trade-in and upgrade options.