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Lifetime Free Labeling Tech Support

SafetyPro Loading Videos

Software Training Videos


The Windows Driver and Getting Started Guides are available for download online. Additional safety labeling software or replacement software is available for download to current customers upon request. For help with downloading SafetyPro Label Designer, FacilityWare, RTK Label Creator, or Arc Flash Labeler, please contact us directly at 877-762-9280.

Remote Support Options

When you call in, we may be able to assist you quicker through the use of screen sharing technology. We offer support through Aeroadmin or Zoom. These are free secure applications that are industry standard and easy to use. This option is only available while on an active call with a tech support representative. Download links are below:

SafetyPro Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions area answers most new-user and tech support related questions. If you still need help, remember that your SafetyPro comes with lifetime free technical support! We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction for as long as you use the printer. You may call us toll-free any time for support at 877-762-9280.

Common New User Troubleshooting

Red blinking light? Read on...

Getting started with the SafetyPro is easy, but if you're running into any snags, we are here to help. Below you will find some common errors that are made when users are first starting with an industrial labeling system of any kind. If you're running into startup troubles, please read through the following, or contact us at 877-762-9280 any time for a walk-through or additional help.

Red Blinking Light After Pressing Form Feed Button
The Form Feed button on the top of the printer is used only to feed out blank material, and is setup to process the form feed based on the last successful print after powerup. If you use the Form Feed button immediately after loading or powering on the machine, there is a good chance the printer will be in a default mode, and the Form Feed button will no work properly. If when pressing the Form Feed button you get a red blinking light, or if your ribbon is pulled out with your label stock, simply reload and reset your printer, without pressing Form Feed, and print 1 label. Now your Form Feed button should work properly.

It is highly recommended that you do not use your Form Feed button unless you really simply want to feed out blank material. If you need to use Form Feed, only do so after printing a label successfully. The Form Feed button is not a valid way to clear an error and is not a part of proper supply loading.

Red Blinking Light After Print
The red blinking light after a print, often accompanied by a cutter not actuating or extra material feeding out, is really just a simple driver setting issue. The setting that is usually to blame is the gap sensor, which is looking for a gap in your labeling material, such as can be found on our RTK or arc flash supplies. Make sure you set the sensor type to match your loaded supplies:

  • For continuous roll: If you are using 150' continuous vinyl rolls for printing, you need to set your sensor to "continuous." For older drivers, use the "Advanced Setup" > "Sensor Type" and set to "Continuous". for the latest driver, use the "Stock" tab, "Media Setting" > "Type" > "Continuous".
  • For die-cut labels: If you are using die-cut arc flash, RTK or ANSI rolls for printing, you need to set your sensor to Vertical Gap. For older drivers, use the "Advanced Setup" > "Sensor Type" and set to "Vertical". for the latest driver, use the "Stock" tab, "Media Setting" > "Type" > "Labels with Gaps".

You should never use a "Peel" option for the post print action. If you have printed using the wrong sensor setting you may need to reset your printer memory to factory defaults with a simple process. Contact 877-762-9280 for quick and easy help with this problem.

Proper Supply Loading
When it comes to the industrial safety labeling industry, 9 out of 10 initial support tickets are for improperly loaded supplies. To verify that you have loaded your SafetyPro supplies properly, please carefully review the flash videos linked below. If you are experiencing any of the following errors, it is recommended that you reload your supplies while watching the instructional videos:

  • Label does not feed; red light
  • Label begins to print, but stops; red light
  • Labels seems to print but is faded, clear or not visible
  • Ribbon is pulled out the front of the printer; red light
Review additional loading videos and reload supplies: Watch Loading Videos

SafetyPro vinyl loading video
SafetyPro ribbon loading video
SafetyPro printhead cleaning video

Unsupported Drivers

MacOS and Linux users may download and use a driver below. They are unsupported, but should function properly. These are driver-only deployments, which means MacOS and Linux users will need to supply their own labeling software (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or other programs that can properly format the page size, should work but are also unsupported.)

Low-level diag tool, use only with support