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General Trademark Policy

We understand the value of trademarks to their owners. Industrial Safety Solutions (ISS) is committed to a "zero confusion" policy concerning it's brands and products. We honor the trademarks of others, and do not with to be associated with their brands, policies, service, or prices. We make every effort to clearly define the owners of specific trademarks, both on individual pages where necessary, and in this globally available page, which is linked site-wide.

If you are the owner of a trademark that is used on this website and have any questions or concerns related to the use of your trademark, please feel free to call us directly at 877-762-9280. We are committed to answering questions of trademark usage quickly.

Several trademarks are used frequenly on this site. Those include DuraLabel and Brady trademarks. ISS is not the owner of these trademarks, and their use does not constitute endorsement or support of any kind from their owners. These trademarks are used solely for comparison, review, and informational purposes.

Use of ISS Trademarks

Industrial Safety Solution (ISS) trademarks and brands are the intellectual property of ISS and are important and valuable assets of the corporation. Trademarks must be used properly. Follow these Guidelines for using ISS trademarks and brands properly in communications, documents, websites, publications and electronic messages.

SafetyPro™, ISS SafetyPro™, SafetyPro 4G™, SafetyPro 9G, SafetyPro Evo6™, and SafetyPro Ranger™ are all trademarks of Industrial Safety Solutions, and are to be used only by permission, or as permitted by law.

You may refer to ISS products and services by their associated ISS trademarks and service marks, so long as such references (a) are truthful, fair, and not misleading, and (b) comply with these Guidelines, which may be modified by ISS from time to time in ISS's sole discretion.


  • Follow the ISS Trademark Golden Rules.
  • Use the appropriate trademark symbol and trademark acknowledgment of ISS ownership of the marks in question.
  • Do not incorporate ISS trademarks or logos into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names, and do not adopt marks or logos that are confusingly similar to ISS marks and logos.
  • Do not make unlicensed use of ISS licensed logos. Third party use of ISS logos requires a license or written permission from ISS. If you are interested in obtaining a license to use an ISS mark or logo, contact your ISS marketing or sales representative.

ISS Trademark Golden Rules

  • ALWAYS use a trademark as an adjective, accompanied by an APPROPRIATE noun. Do not use a trademark as a noun. Do not pluralize a trademark or make it possessive (which would be using it as a noun). Do not join a trademark to other words, symbols, or numbers, either as one word or with a hyphen. And do not abbreviate a trademark.
  • ALWAYS use the proper spelling and the proper trademark symbol. For the trademark symbol, the superscript or subscript mode is preferred, but if it is not available, use parentheses: (TM), (SM.) or (R). The symbol should appear on the first instance of a trademark in any publication, webpage, or electronic communication.
  • ALWAYS use trademarks and brand names in the ways they were intended to be used. Do not use them for goods or services for which they were not originally intended. Do not alter them in any way.