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What you should know before buying the DuraLabel Toro

DuraLabel Toro website
DuraLabel Toro website screenshot

If you've already purchased a Duralabel Toro, please call 877-762-9280 for discount Toro supply options. We have solutions that can help you get a better price on your Duralabel Toro supply re-orders.

In 2010, Brady released the BBP31, and shortly thereafter Graphic Products released the DuraLabel Toro to compete. Brady has been making all-in-one labelers for decades, since before desktop computers and laptops became the norm in the workplace! Most of these have been superceded by systems like the SafetyPro, which offer more flexibility, better pricing, and more affordable supplies.

While the Toro may look more like a Brady all-in-one label printer than previous DuraLabel machines, there are a few questions you should ask before considering the DuraLabel Toro. To make the best purchasing decision, be sure you find out more about the following before you order a Toro.

See bottom of page for DuraLabel, DuraLabel Toro trademark notes

Questions to ask about the DuraLabel Toro

The big one: is the DuraLabel Toro supply-locked, preventing you from shopping around?

The big question you need to ask before buying the DuraLabel Toro is this: "Can I shop around for the best price on supplies?" The answer, unfortunately, is no. FCC filing information shows that the DuraLabel Toro contains an RFID system designed to allow it only to print with supplies from one source. That means you won't be able to shop around for the best price on supplies- if you buy the DuraLabel Toro, you'll have no choice in your supplier. No competitive bids, and no options.

You have options!

SafetyPro Ranger, toro alternative

You do have a choice! ISS provides the latest in thermal printing technologies, such as the SafetyPro Ranger,and we earn your business and your trust by offering systems that are flexible, compatible, and well supported. By every measure, ISS is the market leader in quality and affordability. call 877-762-9280 today to find out what we can do for you!

Industrial Safety Solutions