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skm arc flash software

Arc Flash Analysis Tools from SKM

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skm arcflash softwareUse one of the most trusted names in the industry: SKM Power*Tools and SKM ArcCalc arc flash calculator. With ArcCalc you can accurately map your simple system and print arc flash labels on the fly. SKM Power*Tools are also used by electrical engineering firms to generate computerized maps of your complex systems. With SKM's full range of product offerings, you are sure to find arc flash analysis and arc flash calculation software that meets your needs.

SKM Arc Flash Hazard Calculator

arc flash labeling software SKM ArcCalc calculates the incident energy and arc flash boundary for any point in a power system. Minimum and maximum arcing short circuit currents are calculated using broad tolerances to provide conservative results with estimated system data. ArcCalc saves time by automatically determining trip times from the protective device settings. Incident energy, arc flash boundaries and PPE are calculated following the NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584 standards.

Works with SafetyPro

SKM is designed to integrate seamlessly with all SafetyPro arc flash label printers. Built-in templates in SKM allow you to quickly and easily create vinyl arc flash labels directly from your study, saving you time and production costs. Instantly create vinyl arc flash labels while you do your calculations, and deliver a complete product to your arc flash clients.

Arc Flash Package Deals

SKM Benefits:

  • Calculator-style interface makes complex calculations easy to understand.
  • Provide a safer working environment by specifying the proper level of PPE. Wearing inadequate clothing is dangerous for obvious reasons, but wearing too much clothing is dangerous due to limited mobility and visibility.
  • Design safer power systems while insuring compliance with NEC 110.16, OSHA, NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584 standards.
  • Evaluate alternatives quickly and easily to understand the possible hazard.
  • Improve safety margins with user-definable arcing fault tolerances.
  • Improve safety margins with user-definable fault source and impedance tolerances.
  • Save time by automatically generating arc flash labels and work permits.
  • Avoid potential fines, lost productivity, and increased insurance and litigation costs.

SKM Interface Options:

  • Simple calculator-style interface.
  • Network one-line includes user-definable fault source, cable, transformer and motor.
  • Protection can be located anywhere on the one-line relative to the equipment bus.
  • Intelligent default data for fault sources, transformers, cables and motors.
  • Intelligent default data for arcing fault variables including bus gap and working distance.
  • Comprehensive library with thousands of validated protective device trip characteristics.
  • One-line display annotated with input data, short circuit values, trip times and flash hazard.
  • Bus and branch arcing fault values are calculated, and trip times are automatically determined from the protective device settings.
  • Arc Flash labels are automatically produced to comply with NEC 110.16 labeling requirements and can be printed in any size.
  • Create custom labels in any size with user-defined logos, text, comments, field lacement, and local language support.

SKM Study Options:

  • Option to follow the NFPA 70E or IEEE 1584 standards.
  • Option to report in English or Metric units.
  • Option to adjust arcing fault tolerance.
  • Allows representation of differential, zone-interlocking, photo-sensing and other special instantaneous protection schemes.
  • Induction motors can be included for a user-defined time.
  • Maximum arc duration may be specified for situations with long trip times.